Card & Invitation Printing

Card Tricks and Invitation Printing

When was the last time you stood at a Card shop for hours on end and couldn’t find the personal message intended for that special somebody? We have the solution for you with our card and invitation printing service.

By printing your own customised card, you get the correct message across with a personal touch.

There are a myriad of uses for a personalised card, so think out of the Cardies box and let us help you say it better.

The next time that special Anniversary or Birthday is coming up, let Wizardz help you create the magic.

Card and Invitation Printing Options

  • Postcard
  • Christmas Card
  • Birthday Card
  • Anniversary Card
  • New Baby Card
  • Thank-you Card,
  • Condolence Card, and so much more.

How to personalize it? Use one of your own Family photos.

Not good at taking photos? Source an image from a free or inexpensive photostock Library (we will help you).

Budding artist? We can scan your work for you.

One of the oldest and most important messages of love – let the card do the talking for you.


Create a customised, personalised state of the art invitation for your special event.

It is an absolute necessity to create the right message and get the right response.

If the time and effort that goes into making an event successful is anything to go by, you know how important the invite is.

Design it yourself or let our experienced graphic design team lead the way.

We specialise in:

  • Wedding invitations
  • Birthday invitations
  • Special event invitations
  • Raffle tickets or Event tickets with sequential numbering and perforation

For an accurate quote, please fill out the form on this page. Please provide as much details as possible, including your design if you already have one. Alternatively contact us using the form below.

Our Design templates:
Use these to guide you – open them in your design app and drop your artwork in!

Cards and Invitation Printing

Request a Quote


Optionally, upload your artwork as well – This will greatly help the quoting process! The form only accepts multiple PDF, JPG; ZIP files up to 10MBs; for anything larger, please use a service such and WeTransfer or Fromsmash
